Green Beings - Original eco-veggie-conscious-pop music

Meat Doesn't Grow on Trees

Music and lyrics by Vance Lehmkuhl
From the album, "Electric Green"

When we're eating fast food
It's easy to believe it's made of cardboard
It fits so well with those plastic shakes
and pre-fab frozen smiles that are there to be ignored
But underneath it there's a sad fact
We try to avoid like a dread disease
A cost greater than special sauce,
pickles, onions, lettuce and cheese...

Meat Doesn't Grow
(It Doesn't Really Grow)
On Trees
(Meat Doesn't Grow on Trees)

Saying dead cows, pigs and chickens
Makes it sound like bad news
So let's talk about sticks and slices
and franks and nuggets
and patties and burgers and barbecues
Now it's a choice whether to steer clear
But if not, let's just understand
That a life was taken to bring home the bacon
That we hold in our hand

But instead we get
Flim flam and razzle-jazzle
Flim flam and mumbo-dumbo
But no matter what kind of game
We play when we eat
We can change the package label
But not the fact that it's meat
Yes, meat, yes,
(It Doesn't Really Grow) On Trees
(Meat Doesn't Grow on Trees)

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