Music and lyrics by Paul Nordquist
From the album, "Electric Green"
Some monks are vegetarians
Some drunks are vegetarians
Some spiky-haired, wild-eyed punks are vegetarians
If you say meat
Isn't something you eat
You'll find you're in pretty good company
Some Olympic champs are vegetarians
Some vamps are vegetarians
Some kind-looking grammas and gramps are vegetarians
And if you come along
You will surely belong
Any which way you happen to be
What kind of person gives up meat?
Any kind of person you might meet!
They're on the bus
They're down the street
They're sharp
They're flat
They're tough
They're sweet
What kind of person goes vegetarian?
Any kind of person you can imagine!
Some are cutting edge
Some are old fashioned
Some are resolute
Some are filled with passion
Some freaks are vegetarians
Some geeks are vegetarians
Some modern and ancient Greeks are vegetarians
So if you say meat
Isn't something you eat
You'll find you have plenty of company
Some monks are vegetarians
Some skunks are vegetarians
Some Hollywood and Bollywood hunks are vegetarians
And you can be proud to join this crowd
And still be any which way you want to be
You can be your own kind, your own kind
You can be your own kind
Your own kind of V-E-G